What I’m Reading March 2020

What I’m Reading March 2020

I thought it would be nice to share what I’m currently reading. A – to encourage me to finish what I’m working on (yes, it’s a constant struggle!) And B – to share book recommendations. 🙂 Last month I read Tasting Grace: Discovering the Power 

Jocko Willink’s books

Jocko Willink’s books

For Grant’s birthday, we bought him one of Jocko Willink’s books that he had been wanting. He really has loved the book & shared it with friends. He had been listening to Jocko online for a while. While Jocko doesn’t specifically talk about Christ, he 

Ivan books

Ivan books

We LOVE books. We LOVE to read aloud. One of the series we are currently in the middle of is The Ivan books by Myrna Grant. It is a series of 6 books about a boy named Ivan & his family. They are a Christian