November/December 2020 Family Pictures

November/December 2020 Family Pictures

The above picture was taken the day after Thanksgiving after we decorated for Christmas. Sadly, Grant isn’t in it because he took the picture, but it’s a fun one of the kids & I…and Eowyn and Zar (crazy hair & all!)

Grant showing a sleepy Ellie the Christmas tree that we put up while she was napping.
Having some creative fun with our new diet…the kids made smile faces with fruits & veggies & their tuna cakes
Keira’s fun plate
Logan’s fun plate
Logan, Keira, Lucas & Emma were all doing school around the kitchen table, so Ellie joined them (notice all her toys under the table, too)

While McKaylee was visiting for Thanksgiving, she brought some hair chalk to have fun with her siblings. 🙂 (it washed right out with water)

McKaylee doing Lizzy’s hair
Lizzy’s hair
Beautiful Lizzy with fun hair!
McKaylee giving Logan a green mohawk
Lucas got an orange mohawk (shocking, I know!) 🙂
Lexa got some orange bangs
Keira got some purple highlights to match her purple shirt
Ellie got some purple highlights also (they’ve hard to see, but she wouldn’t sit still for a better picture)
Emma got some blue highlights
Beautiful Keira with her purple highlights
Ellie loves “her” hymnal & was pretending to sleep with it 🥰
We had smoothies & guava one morning for breakfast, so Logan put the guava piece on his cup & pretended it was a tropical drink ☺
Keira had fun cleaning the stove 😍

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