Keeping Short Accounts
Several years ago, a dear friend of mine encouraged me to work on “Keeping Short Accounts”. At first I struggled with it – How do I practically apply that? What exactly does that mean? How do I even explain something like this that seems so abstract? I’m sure that this phrase means something different to different people.
But, once I started figuring it out, and applying it, it makes such a world of difference! It’s so important to me & also that I am a good model of this to my kids.
Recently God gave me a neat picture analogy that I wanted to share with you. I’ve struggled for a long time with how to explain this clearly & was thrilled. Hope it makes sense! 🙂
Imagine… you are in charge of a small body of water. You have to be diligent to attend to it daily – remove anything that can cause a blockage, maintenance, etc. If you don’t, there will be blockages, which will cause the water to rise & overflow.
Now imagine – the water is now still because there is a blockage (whatever anger/hurt/bitterness/ resentment, etc you are holding on to). You remove the blockage physically (make a conscious decision, a choice, to let “it” go).
Finally, you now take your hand and just start the flow of water (moving forward with grace, forgiveness & putting it aside) going again. Swoosh….. the water (anything you need to deal with – your feelings toward another person, anger, jealousy, bitterness, etc…) may start slowly back up, but each day flows faster.
Yes, you have been hurt. Yes, it stinks. But holding on to it only hurts YOU. For your own sake, work on letting it go. You will be happier. 🙂
I would highly encourage each of you to work on Keeping Short Accounts! Keep the water flowing… It has been LIFE CHANGING for me & I so desperately want others to experience the same peace!
A wonderful analogy for us all! Thank you, Martha.