“Draw with me!” (Week one)

“Draw with me!” (Week one)

Hey guys!! This is Lizzy! So… you all know that last week was New Years. (On that note, Happy New Year’s everybody!) So anyway, I decided that this year I am going to do a New Year’s Resolution! (Bear with me….I’ve never done this before, lol). My New Year’s resolution is this…..

“I will draw something, anything, be it big or small, every day. With the intent of improving my artistic skills.”

I thought it would be super fun to post my drawings on here every Saturday! (No matter how bad they are sometimes, lol….please pardon the poor quality of my sketches 😬)

Now, before I get to this week’s actual drawings (yes…..we will actually get to them…..eventually 😉), I would like to invite whoever is interested to join me in my resolution! And if you don’t think you can draw every day? Just draw one thing a week! That’s as good a place to start as anywhere! If you want to join me and just keep your drawings to yourself, that’s wonderful! But if you wanted to join me and put your drawings up here on the blog as well, you could send me an email with the drawings attached! Maybe add a little about each drawing (for instance, what style you used, what you were working on in that drawing, etc.)

My email (for anyone interested) is Elizabetharmbruster2@gmail.com

I’m looking forward to doing this!!! I hope everyone has as much fun looking at the drawings as I have creating them!

Now without further ado…..my drawings from this past week….I hope you enjoy!

Drawing number 1! This is what I drew on Sunday! It’s just a man standing in an open doorway with light pouring into a dark room from behind him…..this is actually only the second silhouette drawing I’ve done lol…I’m glad it turned out as good as it did!

Drawing number 2! I drew this one on 2 days, actually….I started it on Monday, then set it aside until this morning when I finished it. It’s an “alien species” that I made up so…..yeah….it looks pretty weird, huh?

These are what I drew the rest of the days of the week…….I will apologize beforehand…..yes, you will probably be seeing a LOT of eyes the next week or two. 😬 I’m trying to get better at them so that when I draw faces they will actually look nice. 😆

And that’s it for this week!!! Hope everyone has a good weekend, and God Bless!

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