“Draw with me!” (Week Five)

“Draw with me!” (Week Five)

“Draw with me!!” (Week five)

Helloooo!! It’s me!……again 😂 and just a heads up….yes, I did manage to NOT draw many lips again 😑 oh well………I’ll just keep plugging at it, I guess. 🤷‍♀️ And now, the art!

We were at a woman’s conference last week, and I felt the need to keep my hands busy. So I started drawing, and I decided upon a flower, a Tulip specifically. And for those who do not know about TULIP, it’s an acronym. It stands for:

Total Depravity.
Unconditional Election.
Limited Atonement.
Irresistible Grace.
Perseverance of the Saints.

This is the second thing I drew at the conference. The lecture (as well as the theme of the day) was clinging to God. The speaker began speaking about Ruth and how she clung to Naomi when her husband died. After a while, she began explaining the original Hebrew word for Cling…the word is “Debaq”…..after a while of listening I got a picture in my mind of the way Sam clung onto Frodo at Mount Doom, when Frodo almost fell into the volcano but Sam grabbed his hand. And then I thought that this is the same way we’re supposed to cling to God, and if we do cling to Him, He will lift us up and put us onto solid ground. Sort of like Sam did for Frodo.

So anyway….long convoluted way to say I was inspired to draw hands 😂

🙀 I am still in doubt that I actually drew this 😅……..so, you all remember Rogue from last week? This is the picture I was drawing that drawing for…….. let’s call the previous drawing practice. I think the picture is pretty self-explanatory. Rogue, on a hill, looking out at the moon, with a horse, a wolf, and a bird of prey.

This is a quick sketch I did, I was trying to figure out the composition for this drawing 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ enjoy I guess?

Well…..for those who don’t know, this is “the Mandalorian”………..I made this as a birthday present for a friend who REEEEEALLY likes the Mandalorian 😂

Aaand after drawing the Mandalorian………Lexa requested I draw these two……the Mandalorian on the left, and Boba Fett on the right.

Some mouths for ya…..this time they have some emotions! And they actually look decent! Yay!!

Aaand this is the last one….it isn’t finished yet, but does anyone know who it is at this stage?

I hope everyone has a good week!! God bless, and I’ll see you all next week!

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