“Draw with me!” (Week Nineteen)

“Draw with me!” (Week Nineteen)

Greetings and salutations once again!! Pardon the quality of some of these sketches……..I was taking some drawing classes and didn’t have as much time for each one as I usually do………hence the bad art……….anyway………..I hope you enjoy these anyway!

Welcome to the Drey! As some of you may know (and as everyone who didn’t know is about to know anyway), a squirrel’s nest is called a Drey…… my now Brother-in-law is known for making squirrel sounds a lot. Therefore, his house (and now my sister’s house too) is called the Drey! This sign is my wedding gift to them. I surprised them with it by putting it in their house while they were on their honeymoon 😉 this was my sister’s response…….

“EXPLAIN” (then a photo of the sign)”To whom am I endebted to?”

And this is what she says her husband said, and I double quote…..

“That’s awesome.”

So anyway, the lettering is from the Lord of the Rings, which my sister loves a lot.

Happy Mother’s Day!!!! This was the front of my card to mom for Mother’s Day……… It’s probably the first colored flower I’ve drown for several years, so I think it turned out pretty good!!!! (Mom does too! 😉 Thank you for the special card!)

Ya’ll remember Zach, right? Well…I’ve decided to try drawing him quite a bit, using him to practice different angles and poses……………….and I just enjoy drawing him. 🤣 In this one, he is trying to fix some sort of mechanical…….thing….. (I honestly have no clue what, lol……but fixing mechanical things is his hobby). Since he enjoys fixing things and it’s one of the few things that makes him REALLY happy, I think that his hair would probably be a dark blue color.

Look at da wittle face 🥰🥰 he wooks so cute! 😍……………………no, I don’t have a reason behind what he is doing……I just wanted to try drawing someone from an upper angle (I’ve never done this before lol) and he was the OBVIOUS choice……….he is wearing a “uniform” (at least that is what it’s SUPPOSED to be) because he joined the Planetary Confederacy of Lactea as an explorer. (Meaning he gets to go to newly discovered planets and help map out establish them with the Confederacy which is an organization in charge of settling disputes between planet’s, space exploration, and settling inhabitable planet’s.) His uniform needs an emblem marking his home planet…..but seeing as how I don’t even have a NAME for his planet the emblem is going to need to wait lol.

So….we were learning to draw facial features for this class…….but as you guys know, I had already been doing that on my own, so none of this was very new to me……..but I DID learn a bit about doing mouths (which I stink at), so that was a plus!

Then we learned proportions on a face (I already knew all this, and so all I got was a hastily run through of the face that looks HORRIBLE because I didn’t spend any time on it whatsoever……………no judging please)

Then we actually did the face! It could be better (a lot), but it isn’t too terrible seeing as how it only took about 10 minutes 🤷‍♀️

Then we did side profiles….and I have to say……I have NEVER been able to do side profiles before………and I know this looks terrible…..but at least now I know HOW to do it at least!!!

Yesterday, we drew these…..proportion dummies……………..I chose to do the class because i thought that if any of the classes would be helpful, this one would………. it was interesting, to say the least……….but unfortunately I already knew everything we were taught 😭 although we were instructed on a DIFFERENT way to do proportions, then how I usually do it. It got the same end result as I’ve gotten before 🤷‍♀️

Then I drew this…….person……..using the dummy system……..eww

Then we made a mouse and a duckling!!!! Which was a ton of fun!!!!

Well, that’s all for today!! See you guys next week!

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