Ellenor is 2!!

How can it be that 2 years have flown past? This little babe brings such joy to our lives, we are so thankful for you, our Ellenor Grace!

She loves to sing, play patty-cake, play with cars & baby dolls and her siblings…She is so full of joy & laughter & life. She hates fuzzies in her toes & messes and loves to read books & color. She gives great hugs & says “wuv you!” She loves her blankets that she calls “t” & milk, juice and her favorite pouches. She loves all her siblings & calls them each by name.

She is finally sleeping all night in her bed, which is a blessing. She knows her “room” & says “door, mine!”. She loves to cuddle & every day says “cuddle!” which also means “sit down & play with me!”

She is very smart! She has a huge vocabulary & we can understand most of it.

Her hair is long enough for a ponytail! She is so funny, though, because she brings you a hair tie & asks for it in her hair, but then immediately rips it out.
While she is usually smiley, yes, she does have her moments. She was throwing some sort of temper tantrum here.
Playing with Papa’s hat – anytime she finds a hat laying around, she puts it on backwards like this – so funny! Not sure why, since no one here wears it that way, except maybe to keep it out of her eyes.
Praying at the end of Bible time
Singing along with us during Bible time
It’s hard to see, but she has a potato head ear in her ear also, along with wearing the Mr. Potato Head glasses. 🙂
She tucked herself in with a couple babies after changing their diapers. She loves these 2 babies & takes them everywhere, even to bed with her & tucks them in next to her. She always has to have both of them!
Messy girl! She loves her peanut butter!
She loves playing with marbles & the mancala board. Keeps her busy for hours.
Playing sweetly next to Mama
Helping Lizzy bake (wearing Lizzy’s apron from when she was her age (Grandma made me & the 3 oldest girls matching aprons when they were little)! How fun!)
Birthday cuddles & selfie
Ellie & Mama having fun
Watching a movie…she loves watching Boz & Praise Baby videos! Every day she asks for a “moo-ie?”
She loves playing with cars & wanted to wear the ear muffs just like her siblings (who were wearing them to not be distracted while working in school)!
Aww, sweet sister cuddles!
Opening presents! Love the faces!
Emma gave her this pretty picture!
Lizzy crocheted Ellie this cute panda! 😍 I love her cute “Wow!” face
Thank you Opa & Oma! She loves them!
Yummy breakfast donuts (instead of cake)! Thank you Lexa, Logan & Lucas!!
Even though this isn’t a great picture, it was a funny story – we were at Hymn Sing the other night & there was a basket of books. She insisted on having them ALL on her lap & didn’t want to share any with Lizzy. 🙂 She does love books!
She loves this blanket!
Her first popsicle…yum!
Changing her babies
Apparently the spoon wasn’t fast enough…haha

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