September Family Funnies
Ellie: “I looking for my swim-swim!”
Me: “Do you mean your swimsuit?”
Ellie: “Yes!”
I put on my boots that I had just worn the day before & couldn’t get one on….I finally realized there was a tiny Ellie sock down in the toes…
So I was telling Lexa about it & she says, “I bet I know where you got your boots!”
Me: “Where?”
Lexa: “On your feet!!” ๐
We have a dry erase board on the side of the fridge that I weekly update with the meal plan for the week. One of the kids was looking at it & asking what was for dinner.
I said, “Oh, yeah, I need to update that, I just published a new meal plan on the blog.”
Child: “So, you mean everyone else knows what we’re going to eat & not us?” ๐
Ellie: “Mama, do you know where my kumpin is?”
Me: “Do you mean your pumpkin?”
E: “Yes, my kumpin!” ๐งก
I was holding a cat & Emma wanted a turn, so she set a timer for 7 minutes. After 6 1/2 minutes she said, “You only have 30 seconds left!”
I said, “What? How did the time go so fast!?!”
Emma said, “Well, time DOES fly when you’re having fun!”
Emma made some pouches for Ellie’s breakfasts. Ellenor was licking the spoon & Emma says, “Do you like it? I hope my cooking skills have ‘approved’!” (Improved) ๐
Then a few minutes later Emma was making cornbread for dinner to go with the chili I was making. She says, “Oh, do we have some corn butter to go with it!?” (We always make honey butter to go on our cornbread. I’ve never heard it called corn butter, but I guess it makes sense.) ๐
I reached over Ellie to turn on the light so I could read her a book & I said, “Excuse me please!”
Ellie says, “Excusing you!”