Celebrating Grant

Celebrating Grant

Grant celebrated another birthday this week. 22 years of celebrating birthdays together! 😊 We are thankful for you Grant/Papa!

We don’t go out to eat very often, but decided to take the family out to Fresco’s for his birthday, which was a lot of fun & I’m glad we went when we did since they said they’ll be closing soon due to Covid restrictions, at least temporarily, but with no end in sight. Sigh. 😔

Ellie actually did a “happy dance” because she was loving the food! ❤
Lexa is enjoying the delicious GF chocolate dessert! ❤
I love Ellenor’s smile in this!! Her closed-eyed “cheese” 😊
Enjoying some Gelato! (The kids, not I!) 😔😊
The kids all enjoyed some hot chocolate to start off!
And some Gelato to finish the meal! Yum!
Gelato! Yummy!
The girls discovered the heat vents…Lol
Enjoying the heat vents!
Enjoying the beauty at Anderson Japanese Gardens (from inside the warm restaurant!)
Enjoying the beauty at Anderson Japanese Gardens (from inside the warm restaurant!)
Enjoying the beauty at Anderson Japanese Gardens (from inside the warm restaurant!)
The family at Fresco’s. We either got pictures that were good of us or of the background…Lol
The family at Fresco’s. We either got pictures that were good of us or of the background…Lol
We took a detour home to drive through this Wilderness Drive that Lexa said would be beautiful this time of year…and it was!! ❤

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