A Campfire & S’mores

A Campfire & S’mores

We enjoyed an afternoon at Grant’s Mom’s house. We roasted marshmallows & made s’mores. The kids went for walks & runs in the woods & drove the golf cart through the woods. Everyone had a blast & we are thankful for opportunities like that. (Sadly I didn’t get any pictures of Grant’s Mom!)

Every time we go to Grandma’s house, the kids love this rocking horse. Keira was realizing she is a bit big for it! 😊
Going for a walk in the woods.
Sitting by the campfire
Ellie loved this chair. She is smiling at Sherman as he’s about to bop her.
Roasting hot dogs
The kids also LOVE driving in Grandma’s golf cart. Lizzy gave rides. Can you spot 7 kids?
But wait, 8 kids all fit on the golf cart!! 😊❤
Ellenor loves to walk around with her backpack, but the terrain was uneven, her boots slightly big & the bag heavy, so McKaylee “helped” her.
Sherman got messy & enjoyed the s’mores as much as the kids!
Ellenor doesn’t eat very many sweets. Several kids offered her bites of her s’mores & she refused, but when Grant offered her a half of a p.b. cup, she couldn’t pass it up!
She sure enjoyed it!
She enjoyed it so much she went to sit on the steps. 😊
It’s all gone!
Roasting marshmallows & eating s’mores
Emma enjoying a s’more
Keira had brought her ear muffs for the car ride & shared them with Ellie.

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