A Health Update & Prayer Request

I have gone back & forth about how much to share. I do NOT want to be constantly complaining. But over & over I just keep feeling that it’s a story that needs to be told. I’m learning to be an advocate for myself. It’s hard. But important. I KNOW something SERIOUS is going on. And I’m not willing to just accept & treat the symptoms, hoping I’ll get better. It’s gone way past that point.

I know this is long overdue. And it may be long. I’m sorry. Prayer requests at the bottom if you want to skip to the end. 😉

Honestly I don’t even know where to start. I have been dealing with health issues for many years, so where this “new” issue began, for sure, is hard to say. The past 6-9 months have been very stressful, a LOT going on. And I think the beginning symptoms I blew off, assuming it was stress related. I just kept pushing my body and it is finally telling me in NO uncertain terms to STOP!

October 16th I made a “normal” trip to Rockford (an hour drive each way, so it becomes a day trip) – we had a couple errands to run & a 2 hour appt. I was gone about 6 hours. Normally, these trips DO drain me. I expected a day or two of doing very little to “recover” & get back to my “normal”.

However, an extreme fatigue/exhaustion hit my body. I don’t even know how else to explain it. After 5 days of doing as little as possible, I realized something was not right & I just was not recovering at all. I spent 3 hours at the Dr that morning & it drained me SO much! You never realize how much you appreciate something until it’s gone!! When it’s hard & draining to just sit in a chair!! And my Dr didn’t have a clue what was going on, but wanted me to take an antidepressant because I couldn’t stop crying.

I couldn’t stop crying because there is something SERIOUS going on that’s being missed & overlooked. And depression is NOT the cause of this. I have dealt with depression most of my adult life. It’s not something I share very openly about, maybe that’s been wrong, I don’t know. If anyone WANTS to talk about it, I’m happy to.

This is different. It just is not the same. I am NOT depressed. I AM sick and that is causing moments of sadness. But, I can definitely tell the difference on days I get some sleep…it is so much easier to be cheerful & have a positive outlook. Whatever this disease is, is causing emotional symptoms.

In the weeks since, the symptoms have changed some, with new ones cropping up all the time. But the overwhelming fatigue & exhaustion has not let up, nor has the heart racing. I have NO energy at all. I am getting weaker by the day. I have lost over 20 pounds in the past couple months. I just can hardly even force myself to eat – I can eat a few bites then I’m gagging & just can’t even eat. My muscles are spasming & locking up. The pain…. I mean, I’ve been dealing with chronic pain for most of my adult life. But the intense pain that comes & goes is excruciating (it is a blessing that it isn’t constant, that makes it bearable!) It feels like my wrists are going to explode! I just don’t even know how else to explain it.

I am so jittery & shaky…especially if I get worked up. I had a lady yelling at me a few weeks ago & I just started shaking uncontrollably. Just the hour I’ve spent writing this post this morning, I have noticed a huge difference. It’s so, so emotional & personal. I can’t tell you how terrifying it is to have people (especially medical professionals) blow me off & not take things seriously.

Every nerve in my body feels like it’s shaking, on edge, painful. It’s bizarre.

There’s a lot more, but the absolute worst is…

…the insomnia (because it is causing so many other symptoms to be worse – physically & emotionally). Being awake for hours each night, or waking up at 2am and not being able to go back to sleep. It’s really messing with my emotions. Which are also under attack. Whatever is going on has affected my heart – it’s racing & pounding; my nervous system – I can’t regulate my body temperature, I’m freezing & uncontrollably shaking, then occassionally I’m just hot & sweating. It is causing anxiety (which I have NEVER dealt with before) and so much more. And the brain fog? Woah. I just honestly can’t wrap my brain around certain things right now. One of the kids wrote a sentence yesterday that was supposed to have a helping verb being used as a linking verb…I couldn’t even grade it…no clue. The headaches… The pins & needles & numbness & tingling.

Bottom line? I’m in pretty rough shape. And it’s scary! For me, for the kids, for us all.

The kids have been great, helping with whatever they can & doing what they can to cheer me up (yesterday they choreographed & sang a funny song for us after nap time, I laughed so hard! It was wonderful. I took a video, if I can figure out how to share a couple minute long video, I will.) Grant has been great, holding me when I’m shivering or crying (again! Is that the 5th time today? I guess that’s better than the 20 times yesterday?) 🤦‍♀️ He’s been very supportive, but it is taking it’s toll on our whole family. Its hardest to not have answers.

I DID get in to see a functional Dr last week & we are running a ton of tests. But that takes weeks. She is certain that we will be finding multiple issues, with everything that is going on. And it’s daunting to think about. I’m realizing that we are at the beginning of a long journey here. I have a follow up appt in Dec, assuming we have back enough test results to go over.

Prayer requests: Please pray for wisdom. And answers, so we can start treatment. I am getting weaker & worse each day. Pray for joy and peace. It is hard to be patient & trust.

I don’t know what God’s trying to teach us through this journey. But I’m trying to be willing to learn. I don’t want to waste this. I want to make the best of it. It has helped me to be able to work on my book, but lately even that is hard. I can’t even concentrate on a movie!

To whoever made it to the end of this – Bless your heart & Thank you! It means a lot to me & I appreciate those that are reaching out & touching base with me. It makes a difference! I covet & appreciate your prayers.

16 thoughts on “A Health Update & Prayer Request”

  • Martha, yes, Gordy and I have continually been lifting you and your family up to the Lord and we now will ask Him for wisdom for you and Grant as to the next steps to take. I am so very very sorry to read all that you are going through now; I knew you were having issues with your health, but this seemsto be way more serious than what you have said in the past. I do hope you have friends with professional medical knowledge that can also help you through this as well. We will depend on our Heavenly Father to help you and your family now.

  • Martha, thank you so much for sharing your struggle with us. Too often we have suffered alone, forgetting that the Body of Christ is here for such a time as this. May you find answers, healing and relief. May you experience the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit ministering to you today. You will be in my prayers.

  • Oh Martha, I’m so sorry you are going thru all of this. I am praying for you guys. If there’s anything I can do please let me know.

      • Oh my dear friend Martha, thank you for sharing. My heart goes out to you and I pray for you now with more desperation, crying out to the Lord alongside you and looking to Him earnestly for the hope only He can provide, the comfort only He can deliver, and the healing only He can orchestrate. I love you.

  • MOM?¿?¿? I don’t even know where to start I feal soooooo bad. I am so selfish ALL the time. I’m always complaining about ME being tired, ME being sore, ME being in pain. I’m always saying I’m work hard all the time. When I’m only working hard half the time. Because it’s not MY mess. And that’s just an excuse. Not a good one either. I’m so sorry.😯🙁😦😣😢😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • Babe, here’s the thing…just because my pain is different than yours, doesn’t make yours less important & I DO want to know when you’re dealing with stuff! But, I so appreciate your heart, also! Thank you for being sensitive & caring. I love you! <3

  • Martha dear, I’m so sorry to hear all this about your health! I definitely will b e praying more specifically. God knows exactly what is wrong so I’ll pray that He leads you to the right doctor who can make the right diagnosis OR that He would heal you with His touch. So glad some of your kids are old enough to help and that Grant is so attentive. He understands first hand about pain and suffering. Love you, sweet girl…please feel my hugs across the miles!

  • My friend, Sarah A, sent me the link to your blogpost. I’m so sorry you’re going through all this. God has a beautiful purpose in this as crazy and difficult as it may seem right now. Hidden illnesses are super difficult to deal with. I praise God you’ve got a supportive and loving family to walk through this with you. It’s ok not to feel ok. It’s not your fault. You’re not just a wimp, or a snowflake, or a complainer, or lazy. I said a prayer for you this morning that God will encourage and comfort you as you seek answers and press on day by day. It’s not an easy road, but Jesus is totally worth it.

    • Thank you so much for reaching out! It means a lot to us all. And thank you for the prayers. They are definitely felt. What you said is so true…Having God be my Rock makes this journey SO much easier! I feel so sorry for those who don’t have that hope. I know how hard this is for me & I have NO doubts in my Faith, these trials only serve to draw me closer to God & for that I praise Him for this season. And may He be glorified!

    • P.S….thank you for sharing your blog. We look forward to perusing it. (Our kids love reading family friendly blogs!) And I think it’s a fabulous way to make the best of your limitations. I have been working on writing a nonfiction book the past few months as I’ve been realizing I need to REST more & have often wondered if this was God’s way of giving me the time to do it. I just can’t seem to shake the feeling that it’s part of God’s purpose in this all. It is hard to push through the brain fog, but I’m thankful for the reminder to be making the most of my time. 🙂 May your family be richly blessed today!

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