An idea for keeping track of papers (medical, grading, etc)
The curriculum we have been using for Math & Language has the answer keys at the back of the workbooks. Naturally, I tore them out & they are 3-hole punched, so I originally put them all into a 3-ring binder with dividers between each subject. However, then I had to deal with a bulky 3-ring binder every time I graded.

My favorite solution: put each subject in a sheet protector! I will often take a subject or 2 with me in the car (especially if someone else is driving), to run errands, go to appointments, etc. Then I just need to grab the sheet protectors for the subjects I want. As I’m grading, I’ll move the sheet to the back of the “stack” once I’m finished with it, so the most current page is on top.

I still keep them all together in a 3-ring binder.

I also love this method for any medical paperwork you want to keep together. I find it easier than folders or 3-hole punching each page. 😊