Beautiful Sunset Spring 2021

A few weeks ago the kids had archery one evening. Usually Lexa or Grant has been able to take them, but Lexa had been sick & Grant was not at home. So the task fell to me. Sadly, I hadn’t been feeling well & was exhausted. I knew I didn’t have the energy to stay for the 2 hours & keep tabs on the 2 youngest (mostly Ellenor who is 3 & VERY BUSY!), so I opted to drive the extra half hour back & forth.
Long story short… I almost missed this beautiful blessing because I was crabby about having to go back out one more time after a long week. I am grateful that God doesn’t just shake His head at me & say, “Sorry, you missed out!”. Nope, instead He says, “You needed to see & enjoy & appreciate this tonight!” ❤