Beef Stew Recipe 2.0 (GF DF)
We made Beef Stew last week & everyone said it was the best yet! I looked back on the blog to see if I had posted the recipe before & shockingly I had only 3 months ago. 🙃🤣
However, since everyone raved so much about it, I decided to post the new version also. 😊
*2 1/2 lbs of Beef Stew meat, cut up into small, bite-sized pieces
*Mustard & salt, enough to liberally coat the meat
Marinate the meat with the mustard & salt & let it sit while cutting up the veggies
*6 carrots, cut up in bite-sized pieces
*8 averaged sized russet potatoes, cut up into bite-sized pieces
*1 28-oz can of tomatoes
*4-8 Cups of Beef broth
Cook the meat in a 6-qt stockpot. When it’s cooked, add in the veggies & broth. You can add more water if it’s not enough. Let it simmer until veggies are soft. If you want it thicker, you can make a cornstarch slurry to thicken it, but we loved it as is, there wasn’t a whole lot of broth, but it was delicious! 😋

This recipe made about 2/3 full of our 6 qt pot & was enough for our family of 9…most everyone had 2nds (at least) & there were a couple bowls leftover.
I dont think there would have been left overs if I had known lol