Being sick…
Well, the influenza hit our house. Feels like it wouldn’t be January/February without it. Sigh.
We did all we could, but it cycled through all the kids, one by one. Hit them all the different, some were down for 2 days, some down 5+ days.
Poor Lucas got hit the hardest, even though he was nearly the last to get hit. Day 5 of this nastiness & we ended up in the ER due to dehydration as he refused to drink.
They didn’t do much; tested him for influenza (positive, big surprise to me…haha) & strep throat (negative). Gave him ibuprofen to help his throat feel better so he would drink, a popsicle, water & applesauce.
Note to self?!: stock up on goodies that seem like treats like popsicles & store bought applesauce. Although, to be fair, I had been offering him jello & popsicles & everything we don’t normally have & he refused. I just didn’t think to give him the ibuprofen. So we came home & he barely drank anything all day. We are ready for Spring!!!