How Can I Pray for You Today?

How Can I Pray for You Today?

Friends, how can I be praying for you today? What are you struggling with? I know many are lonely, being forced to stay home & not seeing people like they are used to. I am praying for you! (Please, take an opportunity to call someone 

Losing Our Vision

Losing Our Vision

I feel one of the biggest problems we have in our society today is that we’ve lost our vision for how God created Family. God created wives to serve their families. We were created for work. This is our purpose! We have become lazy. And 

Praying for Those on The “Front Lines”

Praying for Those on The “Front Lines”

We are very thankful for those on the front lines right now. Doctors, Nurses, Medical Professionals, Police, EMTs, etc. Let’s remember to be praying for them. For endurance, for the ability to make decisions that need to be made. For them to stay healthy. A 

PEACE (…like a river…)

PEACE (…like a river…)

With all the craziness going on in the world, I am so, so THANKFUL for the PEACE that God gives me. When fear starts to creep in, I know I do not need to worry. And God is faithful & gives me the peace I 

Bible Study Journey & Elijah study

Bible Study Journey & Elijah study

I wanted to share a few more wonderful Bible Study resources. Last year I had the opportunity to be a part of the advance team for a Bible study written by a friend. The study was called Elijah:Lessons on God and Godly Living from One 

Weekly Gratitude Post 2/23/20

Weekly Gratitude Post 2/23/20

Today’s Gratitude Post is by Grant. I am thankful for the Word of God. I am thankful for strong Christian men who wrote commentaries about the Word of God, such as A.W. Tozer, C.S. Lewis, Gill, A.W. Pink & Doug Wilson. I try to be 

Having a Day of REST

Having a Day of REST

The Bible talks about having a Sabbath Day, a day to REST & reflect on our Lord. This may look different for some. I know some have a Sabbath on Friday-Saturday. For our family, we take Sundays as our day of REST. We do church 

Dirty diapers

Dirty diapers

Ellenor is so fun these days. She is very vocal & talks a lot. Lately when I ask her if she’s poopy (because I can tell!), she says, “No, I good” It always makes me laugh, because she obviously is dirty but why she doesn’t 

Self Control vs Self-Discipline & a Parenting Application

Self Control vs Self-Discipline & a Parenting Application

I have been thinking a lot lately about self control. As I’ve been studying about it, I am realizing it is a lot bigger than we really think at first glance. Self-control covers SO many facets. Things like kids whining is actually a lack of 

Finding and Choosing JOY

Finding and Choosing JOY

Joy is a choice. It is not always easy. Sometimes you have to work hard to find joy. But it is always good. It brings hope and peace when we keep our eyes fixed on Christ instead of our circumstances. He WANTS us to have