Lilla Rose Sale

Lilla Rose Sale

I don’t share about this very much, but I am a Lilla Rose consultant. 😊 I got into it about 7 years ago, because having 5 (at that time!) daughters, plus myself, it adds up pretty quickly! We all LOVE their flexi-clips. They are high 

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Most of us do not like stepping our of our comfort zones…I mean, who would? It’s uncomfortable, scary, you don’t know what to expect…etc. However, a lot of good can come out of doing so. You can make new friends by saying yes. You never 

Encourage One Another

Encourage One Another

I just want to encourage you today to reach out to a friend. Pick up the phone & call, send a text, write a card or letter. See how they are doing. I know some people are handling the isolation better than others. 🙂 We, 

Readers From All Over The World

Readers From All Over The World

It is fun for me to see where our blog reaches. Every day there are readers from all over the world! Of course the US, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Great Britain, China, India, & even Nigeria! Wow! Thanks for reading our blog. 🙂 I’d love it 

Veteran’s Day

Veteran’s Day

Yesterday was Veteran’s Day, a day to honor our veterans, both past & present. Two of the most noble & honorable things a man can do is to serve his Family & His country. We are thankful to all who have chosen to serve, for 

Product Testing (& Moderation!)

Product Testing (& Moderation!)

I love to do things like product testing. When I first quit my job in 2003 to stay home with the kids, I was always looking for ways to make money as a stay at home Mom. I got involved with a lot of survey 



Over the years I’ve learned that the only thing I can count on with friendships is that they will change. 🤷‍♀️ I’ve had many close friendships fizzle out due to different circumstances – busyness, moving, unresolvable differences, etc. 🙈 And yet, there are some friends 

Making Choices on How to Spend Time

Making Choices on How to Spend Time

Someone commented recently that it must take a lot of time to keep up a blog. It does take some time. Just like anything. Life is all about choices & we have to choose how to spend our time. I have cut back in a 

IL Concealed Carry Class

IL Concealed Carry Class

Wow. My mind is reeling. We just sat through 4 hours of a Concealed Carry Class (It is a 16 hour class). The laws, legalities and amendments that are redundant & just more hoop jumping. It’s honestly terrifying & some really weird, poorly written laws… 

Thank you for your patience – The Blog is FIXED!!!!!

Thank you for your patience – The Blog is FIXED!!!!!

Can you tell I’m a bit excited!!! =) It has only taken me a full 2 months and many many hours, but I finally fixed the blog. It is fully functional, up & running, AND THE BLOG NOTIFICATIONS are working!!!! If you have previously signed