I can’t believe Ellie is already 5! Where has the time gone?!?
She is a precocious, sweet, cheerful spitfire. She gives great hugs & almost always has a big smile on. She loves talking to strangers & telling them her whole life story. 😀
She loves to be a big helper, working right alongside her older siblings & Mama and making sure her jobs get done. She brings a lot of joy to our lives. We love you, our Ellie Bear! ❤️
Emma & Keira decorated all over with these colorful paper chains…it’s hard to see her, but she has a cute (huge) smile on & her arms raised (with a leftover braid hanging down in her face) 😂Mike & Lexa gave her a calendar (with some other things). She found a nail on the stairs & hung it there, marking off each day. She feels so grown up having her own calendar! Every day she tells me what day it is…it’s cuteI love the excitement! (She found an “Ellie” tag on the present from Opa & Oma & decided she needed to wear it since it says her name.) 😀 A cute new bonnet 😍 Look! I’m holding ALL the things! (She loves her new kitchen helper set)She had asked for this gum months ago, she was pretty excited! Hugging Grandma 😍🤗The face! 😂Showing off her Ellie tagThank you for the books Opa & Oma! She loves them & is excited to learn to read so she can read them herself! 😍She does love books! 💕 Lucas made her a special cardSome quiet activities that are good for church & Bible time A special picture from EmmalynThank you Opa & Oma! 😀 Logan reading his card to herEating some yummy cake Emma madeSo excited! Sweet Ellie Emma made a pretty cake for herEmmalyn & Ellie with another cake (we got to celebrate several days in a row)On her actual birthday, we went to a Scripture Fest that happens once a year. She was a trooper & ended up having a lot of fun. As she was eating pizza & Popsicles for dinner (both rare treats!!), she says, “This is the BEST DAY EVER!” ❤️