Celebrating Emma

Celebrating Emma

Emma turned 8 this week!! She even lost her 7th tooth on her last night of being 7!! We love you, Emma & are thankful for the JOY you bring to our lives! Thanks for being a willing helper & giving great hugs!

Every year Emma wants cheesecake with jelly beans on top. 😊 This year she had half of the chocolate chip cheesecake & half of a raspberry white chocolate cheesecake! Mmmm!
Emma got some fun swim goggles too!
Emma saw this when we were shopping this week & wanted it. Happy birthday, Emma! 😊
Opening a present from Logan (a coupon for bringing in a cat to cuddle 50 times, with a leaf on top) 😊
Lucas gave Emma (and all of us!) a coupon for a Wii game with him
A hand mirror! She’s been wanting one for a long time! 😊❤
McKaylee gave Emma a frozen towel & washcloth. Thanks, Emma!

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