Celebrating Lucas

Celebrating Lucas

Sir Lucas had a big birthday this week, the big 1-0! Happy birthday to our favorite Lucas who always has a smile on his face, is a happy, easygoing kid. We love you, Lucas & are so thankful for you and the past 10 years. Looking forward to the next 10 (and beyond…) 🥰😊

Mama with the birthday boy
Some fun goggles for swimming & a favorite snack
I love the excitement! ❤
Lucas is such a good brother, letting Ellie help open presents. ❤
Lucas with a present from McKaylee
Lucas with his present from McKaylee (McKaylee is holding Zar & Lexa is “sleeping” next to her)
Lexa bought a fun “confetti” candle for Lucas fir his birthday. Kind of like “mini fireworks” with edible confetti. 😊
A video of Lucas’s confetti candle. Sadly I missed the beginning…

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