(I apologize to those who tried to view this post yesterday, I had meant to have it ready, but spent the week away with Grant for an early anniversary getaway & didn’t get it done! Thanks for your patience! 😉)
Our 2nd daughter just turned 19! How the time flies! Lexa, AKA Xanna, we are grateful for you. We’re grateful for your sense of humor, great hugs, beautiful smile, the way you creatively lead your younger siblings, your love for the animals, hardworking spirit & love for God.
I’m sorry I didn’t get many pictures this year! We ended up having a crazy busy day/weekend! Thanks for being gracious with us!
Cheese!Beautiful Xanna with her cake & 19 lit candles! 😊 We had to sing Happy birthday 2 times to get all the candles lit. 🙃 😊 Keira made a yummy GF DF carrot cake! Delicious! She wrote “Happy = Lexa”Thank you McKaylee! She has recently found she really enjoys the Shadow – DVDs & CDsEmma found this cute garden statue, cleaned it up & gave it to Lexa ❤ She mentioned she wanted some bookends for her new room & bookshelf, but that it needed to be Lord of the Rings or Star Wars. We found these fun ones for her. (She recently bought a shirt with the same saying on it) They were a hit 😀 The flash blinded me so it’s not a great picture of me, but a fun one regardless. Not a new picture, but a great one 😀 Again, not new, but a fun one that shows her personality (she “borrowed” my glasses)A fun personality picture. ❤
A few blast from the past pictures ❤:
Sweet 9 year old Lexa with her first broken bone & cast6 year old cutie The 3 April birthdays, 2009 – Lexa 6, Logan 2, Lizzy 4.Cute, fun-loving Lexa, age 7 I thinkAlmost 15 year old Lexa with baby Ellenor, meeting her for the first time ❤