Cheese Rolls

Cheese Rolls

Last week while the older kids were working in the garden, Emmalyn, Ellenor & I made them a special treat for lunch…cheese rolls! I remember my Mom making these on occasion when I was growing up & my kids love them, too!! They sure don’t last long around here, but they are easy to make.

Start with your favorite roll recipe, or you could even use store bought dough if you don’t make your own.
Cut blocks of cheese, these are about 1/2 inch squares
Take a ball of dough, slightly bigger than a golf ball (between a golf ball size & a tennis ball size). Stretch or roll out the dough big enough to cover the cheese
Place a block of cheese on the dough (or have a helper do it 😉
Then roll the dough into a ball, trying to make sure there are no holes.
Emma was a big helper!
Lay them all out on a cookie sheet & bake as you normally would bake the rolls. We normally bake 2 trays for 7-8 minutes at 375, then switch the trays to the other rack & bake for another 8 minutes or so, until nicely golden brown.
The finished rolls! Delicious!! (I don’t know why the cheese always oozes out, even if there are no gaps. I’ll have to research that, but it’s ok. They still taste so yummy!)

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