Coffee with the residents @ the Polo Nursing Home. Grant often goes & takes the boys at least. This was the first time they had it again after 2 1/2 years!! So the whole family went. Lizzy played some Carols on her violin & Lucas and Emmalyn played the piano. ❤️
Ellie & I Emma, Xanna & Keira (Lizzy was sitting where the empty chair is, but got up to play the violin)Logan & Lucas graciously helped serve & clear tables afterLizzy playing violin at the nursing homeLucas playing the piano at the nursing home
Listening to Papa read “a Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens….a family tradition:
Ellie wearing Papa’s Bah Humbug Christmas Carol reading hatGrant reading “A Christmas Carol”, sitting by the fire with Eowyn at his feet 😍 Lucas (under the red quilt) being the “Ghost of Christmas Future”, the same part he was able to play at the dinner theater we went to 4 years ago ❤️ Listening to the reading – Lucas was making Christmas gifts, Mike & Lexa working on a puzzle, Lizzy drawing Emma, Keira, Logan, Ellie, Lucas doing Perler beads while listening to Papa readEmma working on some school while Ellie makes a pretty butterfly “Mama, why did you buy more peanut butter? Is it because you love your cutie so much?”Ellie helping me with our Christmas cards
Christmas Lights & Caroling – every year one of our favorite things is going to look at Christmas lights. We enjoy getting chicken & fries & eating while we drive through the Festival of Lights. Weather & time permitting, we also enjoy walking through the display across the street at the Nicholas Conservatory. Brrrr, was it cold this year!! 🥶
Lights at Nicholas ConservatoryLights at Nicholas ConservatoryIn the lights tunnel at Nicholas Conservatory.
On our way home, we stopped to sing some Christmas carols for Grandma:
Ellie cuddling with Grandma Caroling at Grandma’s (we were so glad to be inside!!) 😀 A different angle to show Grandma also.
Ellie didn’t sit long! She was soon dancing away. ❤️ A few short videos below: