December Pictures Part 1

Ellenor loves to ride on the vacuum! Lol (Even while eating a banana) 😂
Sweet sister cuddles <3
Ellie loves Mo!
Sister & kitty love <3
Lexa is so good at helping with Ellenor! She was helping to keep her happy while shopping. 🙂
Lizzy cutting up some grapefruit
Lucas has recently discovered that he loves to make eggs! He makes them every day! 🙂
Ellenor wanted to wear her skates that we bought her at a consignment sale…they are a bit big, but she loves them! She can’t wait to keep up with her siblings!
<3 Ellie loves her Papa! “Dancing”
Sweet cuddles with a sick baby. <3
She’s so proud of herself! Ellenor is wearing Keira’s skates
Ellie likes to “plank” with the other kids. It’s so cute!
Lizzy & Ellenor cuddling with Mo

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