“Draw with Me” 1/6/24

Happy 2024!!! This is the first draw with me of the year 😃 how exciting!!!. It’s actually kinda funny because most of the stuff you are actually going to see today I did before 2024 started 🤭 oh well! Sunday was a busy day for me 😄 anyway, let’s get to it!

I drew this on Sunday…….its not super good???? But it’s not terrible……I think the face is too long…..anyway, this is Link from Legend of Zelda (Tears of the Kingdom specifically) when I drew it I thought it would be the last drawing of 2023 🥲 boy was I wrong 😆
Here’s the second thing I did!! 👇
It’s my YouTube channels new Logo 😃 it was kinda exciting to make 🤭 I can’t wait to use it!!!

This was the last thing I finished….. her name is Nera, she’s a Gelatalolligo. This is her as a baby 😄 over the next couple of days. I’ll be drawing her in different stages (young child. Young adult. And adult. Possibly more) anyway, as a baby, she’s pretty much a see-through blob with giant black orb eyes 😂🤣
And that’s it for today…..I was hoping to have more but I got side tracked doing an animation project 👀 I’m not sure it will be done by next week…..but maybe relatively soon…..Hopefully😅
Bye!!! See yall next week!!