“Draw with me!” (Week 29)

Hey guys!!! I’m sorry for my absence. Last week was kinda crazy and I was working on a larger project that I didn’t want to share until it was done…….and I’m afraid that this week I have only one drawing for you, but I hope you like it!!

Meet Ahsoka Tano, grey jedi. She is a character from Star Wars and is getting her own series in a few weeks. This is a replica of one of the show’s posters. I made it as a present for Mckaylee because she is pretty excited for the show. 😄
Ahsoka was padawan to Anakin Skywalker but left the Jedi order after being accused of setting off a bomb inside the temple. Since she was no longer a jedi, she was able to escape from order 66 and went on to join the rebellion as Fulcrum.