“Draw with me!” (Week 31)

Hey guys!!!!! I have a LOT of drawings for you this week 😄 so sit tight. First, I’m going to share my illustrated story. Feel free to read it or just look at the drawings. Up to you. I’m sorry if some of it is a bit blurry 😬 I was in a bit of a hurry 😅. Anyway, this is “Into the Woods”. Enjoy 🙂.

THE END! Well, I hope you enjoyed it. It’s not perfect, and there are definitely things I would like to change. But I did this for a contest, so I didn’t have a whole ton of space. (Believe me, I ran it ALL the way up to as much space as possible.) The following are all the sketches I made beforehand!

As you can see, there were a few character design changes specifically with Serina’s hair, I originally gave her a braid but I decided that it would be too hard with markers 😂 anyway, I kinda like her better the new way I think.
And that’s it!!!! 36 drawings today 😅 No, I don’t believe you’ll ever see so much from me in a single week ever again. Then again, most of them ARE just sketches, and the ones with markers could only be done once, no retries!! I hope everyone has a good week and see you next Saturday!