“Draw with Me” Week 37

Hey guys!! I have a bunch of stuff for you this week, and I’m SUPER excited about it!! So let’s dive in!!

Meet Ziph the Dilip. Dilips are essentially Niads…..only Dilips are constantly dripping water EVERYWHERE. In this, Ziph has just bowed (a traditional Dilip greeting), and so the water is all in front of/below him. This was from Saturday, and the prompt was Drip
#Inktober #Inktober2023

Meet Jameson Pond. A Bufonidaen from Bufonida. Wearer of fine clothing. A genteel ceiling walker. And very friendly. But beware, for who knows what devilish task he may be executing at this very moment. For Jameson is first and foremost. A spy π€«
The prompt was Toad. And I actually got a fair portion of the deaign idea for Jameson from a children’s book series called Frog and Toad, so that was the look I was going for.
#Inktober #Inktober 2023

Meet Clarence! He is a Loβgreyan. Older brother to Logan and Talia. He is very much a sports jock type guy. The first time he ever met Logan, he was playing with a ball, so I found him quite fitting for this prompt. (The prompt being bounce). And for clarification, Clarence, Logan, and Talia aren’t biologically related….its a bit complicated, but for now, just think of it as a sort of adoption. Also, when drawing him, I decided to give him fox-like ears instead of the otter-like ears that Logan and Talia have……and let me just say………I think they look ADORABLE!!! I love them so much π₯° sooooo this will be a thing now…….. Lo’greyans will have different types of ears and it will be kinda like how we are all human but we have different facial features (eyes, ears, noses, etc.) So…..now that I’ve decided this…….I’m thinking about changing Talia’s ears π€ thoughts? Also, I’m perfectly willing to take suggestions for any of these guys I’m making π
#Inktober #Inktober2023

The planet Lo’greya is the homeworld of Saug racing. It is a grand event, and many visitors from other worlds often come to join in the fun. Said “fun” often includes drinking and gambling. At the gambling tables, some find fortune. While others find only ruin. However. On this day, Victor thinks only happy thoughts as the Saug he bets heavily on has been on a winning streak. (Victor is the Lo’greyan with his arm in the air) The prompt was Fortune…..and I had NO clue what to do for it….so Lexa suggested some sort of gambling? Maybe horse racing……so I twisted it to fit into my world…….. not that I really agree with gambling or drinking, etc……… but we all know it happened, and I was simply out of ideas π€·ββοΈ
#Inktober #Inktober2023

Fennec O’Dare, well-known Vulpes explorer and swordsman. No one knows where he comes from, and there is no anticipating where he will show up next. But everyone knows that if Fennec the Wanderer should happen to show up in your town or village. Be prepared for the adventure of your life. The prompt was Wander so I wanted to create a Strider like character…….so I based kinda his whole persona after Strider and made his specialty weapon a sword (when one is an adventurer one must ALWAYS be armed and ready to protect oneself)
#Inktober #Inktober2023

This is Tag. An Enudris and Chef extraordinaire. He loooooves his food extra spicey. This is his signature dish, Flamin’ hot Oyster stew. Heavy on the flame. I must admit, I drew heavily on Redwall for this. I love the book series so much, especially all the food. Reading Redwall always makes me hungry. The dish I most want to try is Deeper n’ ever turnip n’ tater n’ beetroot pie. But ‘otter n’ ‘otroot stew is DEFINITELY second! The prompt is Spicey…..I did my best to convey it through art, but I’m not sure how well it worked π
#Inktober #Inktober2023

A young Logan practicing his flying. He’s trying to make liftoff and is AAAAALmost there. Just the tips of one foot are touching the ground. Soon, he will get the hang of it, and his wings will grow much stronger with time. I honestly liked my undersketch a ton better than the final drawing…..I’m sad I didn’t take a picture of it. It just seemed to encapsulate such joy!! And I don’t think it came through quite as well in the Ink drawing….anyway, The Prompt was Rise and I was ORIGINALLY going to draw Logan making a portal……but I got to thinking….ive drawn him making a portal before, and you’ve all seen him making a portal before…..but what about flight? And his first attempts? And I just liked the idea so much I had to draw it
#Inktober #Inktober2023
So that’s it for this week!!! I again haven’t finished today’s drawing yet so I’ll save it for next week…… I hope you all have a good one and see you later!!
Love your creativity!! Always look forward to seeing what you have come up with!! Great job!!