“Draw with me!” (Week Eighteen)

“Draw with me!” (Week Eighteen)

Hey! Sooooo………..I’m sorry I didn’t post last week like I said I would………but for those who are wondering and don’t know…….we had a wedding on Sunday so there was a LOT of stuff going on and I didn’t get around to posting……… again, I apologize………but so you guys don’t have to wait any longer….here are my drawings.

Allow me to introduce you to Peet the Sockman!! (Again, lol) or….if you prefer…….Peet the Potman, OR, Peet the Plantman. (I love this character so much………..I had this pot that needed painting, and my brain went……………..yes……..so here he is 😂)

This was just a quick doodle I made….it looks kinda awful, to be honest… but it was the first official drawing I think I’ve ever done in pen!! So I suppose it isn’t all that bad. (I need to work on side profiles more……………..like…..a lot more 😅)

This was the second one I did!! And yes….I have, in fact, already been informed that he looks creepy………..but that is why I then drew my NEXT drawing.

This one I did in pencil because I’m a lot more comfortable with it, and I wanted to make this feline alien to look relatively decent.

So. I don’t have a name for this alien yet. But they are a feline-like species (I haven’t decided whether they have tails or not), but they have short fur covering their bodies, as well as cat-like ears.

This is another pot! The reason there is no detail other than the seed like eyes is that this is yet another alien. I’m still working on their actual design. But they are a type of mud monster. They live in the mud and can camouflage themselves into it so well that if their eyes are open, it’s all you can see…..and if they close their eyes……well……..you had better just hope that they have no malicious intent towards you.

As for this……..you may recall this scene (Minus the silhouette) from a few weeks ago………this is part of an animation I’m working on………..I just thought is share this “update” of sorts on it.

So……this is actually a funny story………..I have a friend (who is a few years younger than me), and we came to the conclusion (after several months) that we are a lot like Anakin and Obi-Wan……….as in….I’m like her master and she is my apprentice ……….. but because Anakin isn’t REALLY the best role model……….we came up with our own characters. This is Eryn Lo’grinde, padawan to Jera Quinley, Jedi Knight. And we have a lot of fun with these 2 characters, so I decided to illustrate her as Eryn so that we know what she would look like!!! It was a lot of fun, and I think it turned out pretty well!

And that’s it for today…….. again……I’m sorry about the entire 2 weeks I missed…..and I guess I didn’t really have much to show for it…………but I hope this made up for that and if not………oh well 🤷‍♀️ see you guys next week!

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