“Draw with me!” (Week Eleven)

Hey guys! Guess what?? I have a guest this week!!!! Yaaaaay!!!! I want to start off by saying that I am her number 1 super fan!!! I absolutely love all her artwork, I love her style, and I think her art is so unique and special 🥰 I am so glad that she is allowing me to share her artwork with you guys!! So without further adieu, let’s jump in!!!!

Let me introduce you to Zimbol! He is an original fang created by moi. I based his design off of my cat, Zar. Fangs are humanoid reptiles from the book series “The Wingfeather Saga.” If you haven’t heard of it before, it is a fantasy allegorical book series for all ages to enjoy! I love the series, Lexa loves the series, and we are both proud to be Wingfeather fans!! (We call ourselves featherlings 😉) Angel Studios is working with the author to make an animated TV series based off the books, and they just finished releasing the entire first season!!!! I highly suggest checking it out because it is AMAZING, although I also suggest reading the books first.

This is Peet the Sock-man!!! Full name Arthum P. Wingfeather. (The P stands for Peet 😉), sometimes known as Peet, other times known as Arthum, he is my absolute FAVORITE character from The Wingfeather Saga, and my love for him has not diminished since watching the first season! Now, I could go into his entire back story/life story……but if I did, we would be here for quite some time because his character has so much depth to it, and I love him SOOOO much, and he is such an awesome person/character 🥰……………I should probably stop fan-girling now 😅 okie dokie moving on.

This is also Peet the Sock-man!! Coincidence? Nope!! Lexa drew Peet as well!! Although, whereas I just copied his design from the TV show, Lexa actually improvised and made him her own, in a way 🥰🥰🥰 and this is what I love about her style so much!! She took a character, whom we both love (Arthum is her favorite character in the Series!!) And made him. And I KNOW who it is!! I can tell just by looking at him who he is!! Look at his arms, SOCKS!! look at his head, stocking cap/sock! Wild hair! He looks slightly crazed, but in a good way. All these are like….Peet’s trademarks! I love this so much 🥰🥰🥰 thank you, Lexa, for sharing with us!!!!!!

“General Grievous…..” 😱 I drew this……and I have no idea how I did it 😅 I mean…. it’s not symmetrical by any means……but it is pretty close!!!!! (For those who don’t know, General Grievous is an antagonist from Star Wars The Revenge of the Sith. He is a cyborg who meets his untimely end while fighting General Kenobi. While he USUALLY only has one set of arms, he has been known to morph his single set into a double set while fighting with his collection of stolen lightsabers.)

Also, General Grievous!!! This time drawn by Lexa!! And once again. I can tell EXACTLY who it is!!!! I will state it again. I LOVE her art style!!! I wish I could draw like this 🥰🥰 but I believe my issue is that I am too much of a perfectionist 😅 I feel like my representation needs to be EXACTLY like the original, where Lexa just takes it and makes it completely her own. I don’t know how she does it, but bravo sister, bravo 👏👏👏

Heart/anatomy…….but of course you knew that already 😅…..this is brought on because I was re-living a part of a REALLY good book series called “The Master Symphony Trilogy” where a character that I reeeeeeally like dies 😭 anyway….how I feel when reading that part (or any part in any book where a character I like dies, is murdered, or betrayed) is like I get stabbed and then whoever does the stabbing twists the blade and I just feel sad for a while………so I Illustrated with a heart……and then diagramed it…………you’re welcome………anywho, moving on!

Lexa’s heart 😏 because she is copying all my drawings now, lol 😂

And the last one!! Made by Lexa as a gift for someone who likes the video game, this character comes from 🤷♀️ (I’ve never heard of the game before, but it’s called Cuphead if you’re curious). But anyway, isn’t it so cuuuute?????? I love it!!!! It’s adorable 🥰.
Aaaaand that’s it for this week…uhm…I do have a confession to make though……. remember how I said I was in the middle of a drawing last week that wasn’t finished yet? Well…..it’s still not finished 😔 but I promise I WILL finish it. And when I do I will definitely share it.
Well, that’s all for now! See y’all next week! 👋