“Draw with me!” (Week Fifteen)

“Draw with me!” (Week Fifteen)

Hey! 👋 I finished the comic strip!!!!! And Logan likes it!! 😄 I’m happy, 🙂 well……..wanna see it? Good, because I’m putting it up whether you want to see it or not 😆

This is the last panel of the second draft for Logan’s comic strip. I won’t go into detail on it since I have the finished product to show you as well.

I made a cake ☺️….this is a portrait of Logan, the Lo’greyan, his face scales are supposed to be midnight blue and his feathers, brown.

I made an eye tutorial! It’s pretty self-explanatory, so I shan’t prolificate. I made it for my 4-H Talk & Demo.

And now what you’ve all been waiting for!!!! The comic is complete!!!! (Minus words……I’m currently working on writing the scene out. Maybe after that’s finished, I’ll draw it again as a real comic!)

The scene goes as follows,

Talia, the female Lo’greyan, was bit by a venomous snake, being short and of slight build the venom quickly began to do its deadly work. Logan, the male Lo’greyan with wings (also known as an Aria), makes the decision that he will make a portal to carry Talia quickly to medical aid and he will follow on foot as swiftly as possible (or by air …… it kinda depends, lol.)

By the time he has finished with the portal, Talia has lapsed into unconsciousness. Nova, The female Nocte (I found a name for both!!!!) Holds Talia in her arms. She looks up at Logan and communicates that Talia can’t go through. Logan tells her to carry Talia and go, but Nova presses that he isn’t strong enough to hold the portal for two people. It would put too much mental strain on him. Logan ignores her and again commands her to go. She acquiesces, and together, the pair push through the mirror-like portal, and disappear.

Logan sustains the portal for only a few seconds before the strain becomes too much. He begins to fall, the portal collapses with a snap and a flash. And Logan falls limp, to the forest floor.

And that’s it!!! I hope it makes sense 😅

This is my attempt at drawing Logan from behind……..I need to study how wings work lol 🤦‍♀️

This is Zach!! He is a species I made up recently called, Chamelie’corans.

Chamelie’corans are aliens inspired by chameleons. Their hair changes colors based on their emotions. For instance, Zach is optimistic that he’s going to have a great day today! so his hair is the color green. if he were angry, it might turn fiery red. they have blue-green skin and scaly ear horns. their climate is dry and dusty (practically a desert) so Zach is wearing a shirt with extra fabric at the neck that he can pull up to cover his mouth and nose in case it gets extra windy and dusty.

Well, that’s all! This was a bit longer than usual, but I hope it was worth it!! And I hope everyone has a good weekend!

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