“Draw with me!” (Week Four)

“Draw with me!” (Week Four)

Hey guys!!! I’m super excited about sharing this week’s drawings, so let’s get into it!

Guys, meet Bailey! She is an alien creature called an Amica. My friend Bailey created it. The only thing I can take credit for is the drawing. Bailey is completely responsible for the creativity!

You would not BELIEVE how time-consuming it is to draw scales like that 😑 I actually started on Friday last week if you can believe it. And I didn’t even finish it till Monday 😅 but I had a TON of fun doing this; I hope you guys like it!!

A brief description for you (or….I’ll try to be brief 😉) The Amika is a donut shaped alien without a traditional mouth, ears, eyes, or nose. Instead it has a “filter” running around the bottom middle of the “hole”. Some of the filters’ “teeth” can be seen in my drawing….but they kinda get overpowered by the “wind’ I drew……..I was trying to give the illusion of flight….not sure how it turned out though……. anyway, the Amica has armadillo-like scales for protective armoring, with spike-like tufts of “fur” poking out between the chinks in its armor.

I know, I know……I said I was going to draw lips/mouths this week………but I got distracted 😅 soooo… yeah uhm……only a couple of lips….but hey!!! I managed to make halfway decent lips!! That counts for something, right? I’ll try to do more next week……but I have a couple big projects in the works, so we’ll see.

Everyone….meet Rogue! Rogue is a character from one of my friends’ books!! All I did was put ideas onto the paper. The ideas for the armor were all from Kaitlyn, and Rogue is COMPLETELY Kaitlyn’s. I just drew it, that’s all.

Now!! To get into this!! First off……do you….have ANY idea….how long it takes to draw dragonscales??????? This seriously took me FOREVER to draw…….and I got a hand cramp……BUT I had SOO much fun doing this, I’m very grateful that Kaitlyn trusted me to “design” and draw Rogue’s armor!! Ok….now I’m not gonna go into detail on Rogue….because she doesn’t belong to me……BUT!! I AM going to go into detail on her armor! (He he) so….the armor looks like dragon scales….I’m not 100 percent certain whether they ARE dragon scales or not…..but the armor was given to Rogue by “The Dragonborn” so….I mean, it makes sense right? But it is also imbued with magic, so it can change form?? Sort of?? (Side note…..its cool 🤩) mostly, armor-wise, that means that the helmet, when need demands, can be morphed so that the horns and fins are no longer there, making it easier for Rogue to get into (and out of) tight spots. But the unique helmet makes her stand out more on a battlefield………….hence,…..the unique helmet 🙃

The top armor is a relatively flexible material, yet quite protective…..think Mythril from The Lord of the Rings. The rest of it is also quite flexible, but it is probably a bit stiffer, at least in some areas. It has to be. Otherwise, it would just flop there. Which could make it more of a hazard than its worth lol ……..the leg armor probably looks a whole lot cooler than it does in my drawing……but I am TERRIBLE at legs……for some…..unknown….reason 😑 so we are just going to have to settle with what we have ……overall I think it looks at least decent, probably one of the best things I’ve ever drawn to be honest…..and yes…I realize I say that a lot………but that just means I’m growing and getting better!

Well, that’s it for this week……I hope everyone has a good day today, and I’ll see you all next week! God Bless!

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