“Draw with me!” (Week Nine)

“Draw with me!” (Week Nine)

Wow!! Week nine…………apologies people, but my hand is getting a cramp 😅 we’re doing good so far, though! So let’s go!

I have no idea why………..so don’t ask. But all of our cats have names relating to some form of edible material. Therefore! And for no reason whatsoever. I decided to draw our cats as though they were actually what we called them! So hold on cuz this is gonna be a bumpy ride!

First up, Eleazar, or Zar for short. When I first got him, my dad thought that his name was Tsar…..like the Russian monarch. So sort of as a joke, he is now called His majest, or His royal Highness……or….you guessed it, His Royal Blueberriness.

Next! Lily, our long-haired, adorable little flooflemuffin. Full name Lillyandil. Has been quite affectionately dubbed Caramel Macchiato…….because quite honestly…..she looks like one. 😂 (Also, side note……but heads up because be prepared for a bombardment of tiny kitten pictures real soon 😉)

Third!!! Everyone’s absolute favorite!! Dewdrop is the ultimate floof monster!!! Actually, she has 2 nicknames related to food 😂 the Fluffy Potatoe. This name came about when she was just a few weeks old. When she was really little, she was a bit of a chunky monkey, so when she would just be lying there, she would look like a little floofy potatoe. 😂 It was absolutely adorable 🥰. Her second name, Moldy Croissant – Is because if you have ever seen a cat lying in the Cresent Moon position. You know that they at SOME point make you think of a Croissant… Don’t deny it 👀 and with Lilly being mostly grey and FLOOFY…..well……..you get the point…… (Lexa is to blame for both names 😂….actually….. come to think of it…… she came up with most of our animals’ nick names) 🤔

4! Otter! Her nickname Otter melon has been around just about as long as we’ve had Otter. I…..really don’t know why we called her that….but to this day, we still use the name, so…….🤷‍♀️ her other name. The overripe Pear…is actually quite new and is probably what inspired me to do these drawings 😂 but whenever Otter is pregnant and close to the time for having her kittens she looks like a giant pear (poor thing 🥲) and since she is brown……..overripe pear? Yeah, I don’t know either. 😂

SLUSH PUPPY!!!!…….no reason….just slush puppy 😂 mostly Eowyn has the unused nickname because I needed her to have a “food-related” name so I could draw her along with the cats……….this is what I got…….🤷‍♀️

And the last drawing! This is a prototype for a new alien species I’m creating! I haven’t figured everything out yet. But essentially, they are like wax people? But their “hair” is cold fire … like…..it burns? But it doesn’t melt anything……unless they get really passionate about something and then it makes their ears get a bit drippy…….but once they “cool off” (no pun intended 😉) their ears return to normal. But like…..they wouldn’t just up and melt if say, they were in a really hot environment…….like I said……I haven’t quite figured it all out yet 😅.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed it!! I do have another video…..or two 😉 the first one was inspired by a real-life experience. And just so everyone knows…..yes, he is just fine. And he thinks the whole thing is hilarious. He even helped me with the sound for the video! The last part that doesn’t sync with the video is what he was thinking at the time……so it’s a bit weird, lol…….

Baseball Attack

The second video is a birthday present for Ellenor, who is turning 5 today!!! It’s something that I want her to have for when she is older, and I really hope she enjoys it.

For the Future – a birthday video

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