“Draw with me!” (Week Thirteen)

(I apologize for any that saw the blank post that was briefly published this morning! Technical error! Appreciate your patience!!)
Hello there! I hope everyone is doing well today because I have a few things for ya’ll this time.
Although I am in the middle of a bigger drawing, I took some pictures of the finished parts so you guys can still see them!

Soo……I maaay have had a minor lapse in judgment aaand….drew on my arm………..with a sharpie……….oops 😬 well at least it turned out all right 😅

Guys!!!! I made an ALIEN!!!!! I honestly reeeeally like it!! So, I’m going to give you a brief description of this humanoid species and then I would LOVE it if I could get some input from you guys because I dont have a name yet……….and they really need a good name 😅
Ok, so, this species is humanoid in shape. The only major differences are that they have extremely long fingers, large pointy ears, and NO MOUTH 😱 they communicate telepathically……… but it only works with members of their own species, so they tend to keep to themselves. Their hair is sort of like ribbons or seaweed, and it is usually a shimmery dark DARK blue.
They are very tall and their skin is black like midnight, (I have also dabbled with the idea that maybe there are different clans among them that have varying skin colors……and that would also affect their hair color…..but I haven’t decided yet). Their eyes are sharp and pointed with slit pupils like a lizard or a cat, generally, these eyes are piercingly sharp with two varying colors that make you think that they can see into your very soul…..which is not true…………or………is it? 😏
(It isn’t. I’m just messing with you guys, lol.)
Well….that’s all I have for now on this alien….again I would LOVE input! I’m not guaranteeing I will use all suggestions….but they would be very helpful!! Also, I have been asked how they eat….and the answer is, I don’t know…..yet, I have a few ideas though……I’ll figure out something 😉 but in this area, suggestions are again helpful and desired!

Ok! So these two are from the big drawing I’m making!! It’s almost done too….so you will definitely be seeing the big picture next week……..coloring things relatively realistically takes me a REEEEAAALLY long time 😮💨 and I don’t know why exactly…. (I mean…it’s probably lack of practice, lol……hopefully I’ll get faster and better as I go along. 😉)
Well, that’s all for this week! Everyone stay safe and have a blessed Palm Sunday!