“Draw with me!” (Week Three)

“Draw with me!” (Week Three)

“Draw with me!!” (Week three)

Hey guys!!! I’m back with yet another week of sketches!! I actually did quite a bit this week! But most of them are smaller sketches that I just did because I was bored. 😂 I hope you all enjoy!!

So……this is what I was working on last Saturday!! Quite honestly, it’s one of my favorite things I’ve ever done!! And in color, I might add!!! (I’m not usually very confident/good at adding color to my drawings…..but I felt like this one needed it, so I tried my best!

So, mostly, I was just trying to draw a good hand…….but hands always look weird by themselves for some reason 🤷‍♀️ ….so I decided to put something in the hand….. A DRAGON!!!!!!!! (I just so happen to be a dragon lover 😆 I’m not going to apologize for that 😏)

Meet Gymn! The green minor dragon with healing abilities! (Gymn is from one of my favorite book series, “The Dragon Keeper Chronicles.” It’s an AMAZING allegorical book series, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves Dragons/fantasy.) Gymn loves to ride around in Kale’s cloak pockets (Kale is the main character of the book…….and also happens to be Gymn’s “mommy” 🥰) oh…..and he also has a strong penchant for fainting.

I drew this on a whim last Saturday with a six year old who was feeling a bit left out of the activities we were doing….. she insisted on 2 suns……so…..well… I decided that I couldn’t have two suns, so I drew a moon instead! It’s behind the cloud on the left…..you can see it if you look closely enough, she also insisted he have a scratch on his leg 😢 poor boy….oh well, he still looks happy. Also… that *ahem* random…..hair on the top of his head was placed there by the 5 year old….”please to ignore it”. 😂

Oh….one more thing….that DIAMOND on his forehead is a MARKING, not an EYE!!! (I’m lookin’ at you 😠😏 and if this isn’t you, then please ignore this comment… it does not apply to you 🙃)

Alright…moving on….remember those “demonic rabbits” from last week? Well……….I drew it…… as an actual bunny of course……I think I’m gonna call him Roger 🤔

Alright…..I drew a LOT of noses this week 😬 uuuhhh…….yeah, so…. I’m not sending individual pictures of these 😂 but I AM done with noses!! 😄😄 yay!!!…………..oh…..I guess that means it’s on to mouths next week 😧😮‍💨 ok….I’m sorta dreading this now 😕 oh well….I’m sure it’ll turn out fine.

Anyway! If you would let me know which nose(s) you think look the most realistic that would be awesome!! (Or not.. it’s up to you 😉)

(I just found this on the internet)
(I just found this on the internet)

Ok…so I had a thought……with all these eyes and noses I always use references when I’m practicing…..so I thought I would share my reference sheets with you guys!! Hopefully they can be as helpful to you as they have been to me!

Ok!!! Last drawing!!! This was just a doodle I did because…well…why not?…..plus, I was a bit bored, I guess 😆. Also, I wasn’t going for perfection, so it was actually kinda soothing!! Just went and drew what I wanted to draw without needing it to be good….of course…….that was before I remembered that I said I was going to put everything I drew on the blog… oh well……….

I hope everyone enjoyed this week’s drawings!! I’ll see you guys again next week!! (Or rather….you shall be seeing me 😉)

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