“Draw with me!” (Week Two)

“Draw with me!” (Week Two)

Hey guys! I’m back after another week of drawing! I didn’t do too much this week but I hope you enjoy!

Drawing number 1! I wanted to try to make a set of eyes that actually look like they belong on the same face, so I drew a character from one of my books! I honestly don’t think it looks too bad. Could be better though, especially the mouth. Over the next couple weeks I’m going to work on different parts of the face so maybe I will draw Brom again once I’ve finished.

(I started drawing this one on Saturday but I didn’t finish it until Sunday. So I decided to wait to post it till this week so I could give you guys something that was completed and not just halfway done)

Drawings 2,3,4, and 5! I drew these Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday respectively. Eyes……lots of eyes………sorry ’bout that…..but! That is it for eyes for now!!!! This is the finished product!

A whole page of eyes!!! It would be super cool if you guys let me know which one(s) you like the best!

Well….while we are finished with eyes we are NOT finished with weird! So! Here are the noses I drew Friday! Or as my brother calls them, “Demonic Rabbits” 🙄 The reason for the “Demonic Rabbits” is because he didn’t know I was drawing noses, so he was trying to figure out what they are. If you see the nostrils as eyes, you can see the top of the bunnies head as the line of shadow across the nose. And then see the shadow on either side of the nose bridge as ears, and voila! You have a Demonic Rabbit!

As for today……yes, I have drawn something….but it isn’t finished, so I’m going to save it for next week.

I hope everyone has a good day and see you all next week!! God Bless!!

(If anyone wants to join me, I need to have the pictures by Friday. Thank you!)

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