Dry Brushing

Have you ever heard of dry brushing? Have you ever tried it?
Dry brushing helps keep your lymphatic system healthy & removes toxins from your body. I can’t say I understand how that works 100%, but there is proven research to this effect. There are a lot more health benefits, but this is the main reason why I have begun to dry brush regularly.
A friend initially told me about it a few months ago after I was diagnosed with tick-borne illnesses. If you have ever dealt with the die off symptoms, or know someone who has, it can be pretty terrible, but dry brushing can help lessen the severity of the symptoms. (When you are on antibiotics or meds to kill the tick-borne illnesses, it causes flu-like symptoms, headaches, fatigue, etc that can be mild to severe. This is called Herxing or die off symptoms & is caused by toxins leaving the body.)
I have a special small, softer brush for my face & one with coarser bristles for the rest of the body. For normal, healthy people, they recommend doing it 1-2 times a week, but ideally for someone dealing with die off symptoms, you should shoot for twice a day. I have only been able to get it done once a day, but every little bit helps, right?
I am not going to go into detail about how to do it because there are a lot of videos & tutorials online already, but the general rule of thumb is long strokes upward starting at your feet (always work towards your heart). And rub in circles at the lymph node areas – neck, armpit, & groin. Face has a different pattern with the softer brush. I bought a 3-pack of facial brushes & it came with a chart.
I always feel invigorated & more energetic after dry brushing. So, a good thing to do first thing in the morning. It only takes a few minutes. I encourage you to try it! 😊
There is proven research that cat purring helps sick people to get well
Amazing! 😊
Interesting. I never heard of dry brushing