Ellenor’s 23 Month Old Post!

I can’t believe this sweet girl will be 2 next month! It has gone so fast! She is a sweet, smiley girl with a fun personality. She talks so much! And you can understand 99% of what she’s saying. Sone of our kids didn’t talk a lot at this age, probably because their older siblings talked for them, but she has a huge vocabulary.

She tries to whistle sometimes, it’s really cute. She loves to take selfies with people and loves to be a part of whatever is going on. She loves playing “ball in the hall”, rolling the ball back & forth. She will often come & grab your hand to bring you to what she wants to do. She is a big helper, happy to help gather laundry, throw things away, help empty the dishwasher, sweep, vacuum, get out trays…etc.

She is a busy, busy little girl, but once in a while she will cuddle up & sit next to you doing puzzles (which she loves to do & is really good at & can do the same puzzle 20 times in a row! LOL), or playing with any number of toys that have lots of pieces – linking blocks, a fraction set that has little cups & “chips”, etc. She loves to sing & sings along with us during Bible time & says Amen while we are praying. She will sit down at the organ & play. Her favorite song is “Ho, ho, ho, ho-sanna…” followed by “Jesus Loves Me”.

She likes to put things on her head, like her jacket!
Playing with a “phone” (the baby monitor)
Blowing a whistle
Emma made this little bed in a box for her.
Not really sure what she’s doing here, just being silly πŸ™‚
She loves to prop herself up here between the ottoman & the couch.
Playing outside in the snow – a “smarshmallow” (snow marshmallow) πŸ˜‚
Watching the others play outside in the snow… I LOVE this beautiful “cheese” smile where she squinches up her eyes
Trying to feed her baby doll some real food
She loves playing with pet shops…guess what? Some are magnetic! She has a lot of fun playing with them on the fridge while we are working in the kitchen.
She loves to help out – she is pretty good at peeling!! (Grant’s Mom made sweet matching aprons for McKaylee, Lexa, Lizzy & I when the girls were little, now they fit Ellie.) πŸ₯°
“Ear? Ear?” If she sees an earbud in anyone’s ear, she likes to try it also. πŸ™‚
Falling asleep during dinner
Sweet after nap cuddles – my favorite! πŸ₯°
Eating a snack, Keira set her up with a tray on her rocking chair
Being a “pig” πŸ˜‚. She always takes her sandwich apart & eats the inside first…

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