Ellenor’s 23 Month Old Post!
I can’t believe this sweet girl will be 2 next month! It has gone so fast! She is a sweet, smiley girl with a fun personality. She talks so much! And you can understand 99% of what she’s saying. Sone of our kids didn’t talk a lot at this age, probably because their older siblings talked for them, but she has a huge vocabulary.
She tries to whistle sometimes, it’s really cute. She loves to take selfies with people and loves to be a part of whatever is going on. She loves playing “ball in the hall”, rolling the ball back & forth. She will often come & grab your hand to bring you to what she wants to do. She is a big helper, happy to help gather laundry, throw things away, help empty the dishwasher, sweep, vacuum, get out trays…etc.
She is a busy, busy little girl, but once in a while she will cuddle up & sit next to you doing puzzles (which she loves to do & is really good at & can do the same puzzle 20 times in a row! LOL), or playing with any number of toys that have lots of pieces – linking blocks, a fraction set that has little cups & “chips”, etc. She loves to sing & sings along with us during Bible time & says Amen while we are praying. She will sit down at the organ & play. Her favorite song is “Ho, ho, ho, ho-sanna…” followed by “Jesus Loves Me”.

What a cutie! Canβt believe she is almost 2 years old!
I did the piggy thing