Ellie is 18 months!

Ellie is 18 months!

Where has the time gone??

She doesn’t say very many words – Mama, hat, this, “go,go,go” & then makes a lot of sounds “shhhh” for shoes, “ssss” for socks. She has sounds for many of her siblings. She also uses many signs like eat, more, please, down, crackers, bread, and fish. She likes to play hide & seek and says “sss, ssss, sss, etc… (for one, two, three…)”

She is terribly clever & we are always amazed at how smart she is, how much she understands. She takes her clothes right over to the dirty laundry basket. She is a pro at helping to put clean dishes away. She loves to help – especially gathering laundry, sweeping & with dishes. She knows where things are like a broom and goes to get them when asked or if she sees a need. If you ask her to go get a washcloth, or if her face is messy, she will go get one out of the drawer.

She loves to sing and dance and play with her siblings. She can go down stairs now & open doors and is very FAST! We have to watch her diligently!

We have noticed that she is no longer a baby, but full blown toddler – tantrums & all. She has been awake for 1-2 hours a night lately, just wanting to cuddle & sing.

Sorry for so many pictures! These are only my favorites! πŸ™‚

Haha, silly Ellie-girl!
What a big helper!
Ellenor loves playing Farkle with us. πŸ™‚
Ellie loves cuddles & her baby carrier.
I love the dimples! Sweet, silly girl! She loves playing with her clothes & always tries to put her skirts on her head like a hat…
More “shorts on her head” silliness. She does this all the time, on her own!
Ellenor loves to play in my bathtub. Last night she spent an hour & a half – putting toys in, climbing in, playing, then throwing the toys out, climbing out & starting over again. πŸ™‚
Sweet morning cuddles. <3
She got this sippy cup & a random straw out of the Tupperware drawer & just loved playing with them.
She took Logan’s plate & some food from Lucas & was pleased as punch setting herself up here!!
One of Ellie’s first pickle experiences….I couldn’t limit the pictures, she’s so cute!
She got a pickle seed on her fingers & kept trying to get it off. I just love how darling it turned out.
Haha, the face…
I don’t really know what she was doing…she was playing with the cat & got distracted.
She has never really taken her plug (pacifier), but recently discovered she can put her finger in it & she loves to play with it.
It’s too bad the blanket is covering her face – you can see the smile in her eyes. πŸ™‚
Aww, sweet post-nap cuddles.

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