Fair judging results – Part 1

Xanna had 7 projects & Showmanship entered & received 1 Champion, 1 Reserve Grand Champion, 2 reserve Champion, 1 Honorable Mention, 1 Top of Class & the rest were all blue ribbons. She was chosen as a State delegate for her Creative Writing (Communications category) & we will be going to the State Fair next week! So exciting!
Lizzy put in 3 projects & received Blue ribbons for all (for those who don’t know the Fair judging system – a blue ribbon means that they did an excellent job & met all criteria. Red ribbons mean a good job, but needs a bit of improvement or it didn’t meet all the criteria, etc and White ribbons mean it needs improvement.)
Logan had 2 projects – his were both Poultry related & he also entered into the Poultry Showmanship category. (More about his in the next post, it was on a different day).
Keira had 2 projects & got a Blue ribbon for her baking & a Red ribbon for sewing.We are proud of all the kids & everyone is pleased with the results, especially for our first year!
Xanna won Champion (1st place) in her Rabbit Costume category. She was “Queen Prunaprisnia” (from Narnia) with her Rabbit & she crocheted the harness & leash for her bunny.
Xanna won Reserve Champion (2nd place) in the Rabbit Showmanship category – this was testing her knowledge of rabbits, care of them, etc…
Xanna’s rabbit judging – with her bunny Hasenpfeffer

Hanging out waiting for Xanna’s Rabbit show

Read Part 2 here: https://applehurst.com/fair-judging-results-part-2/