Family Time in TX

Family Time in TX
Helping Dad/Opa with some yardwork.
Lexa does not appreciate her picture being taken. 😀
Working together to get a job done
A beautiful ruffled flower on a crepe myrtle tree right outside my parents’ building. We don’t have anything like this back in IL! Lexa & I enjoyed it’s beauty.
A crepe myrtle tree
The kids at dinner one evening. Lexa, cousin Naomi, 3 Norman boys & cousin Levi in the white shirt
Dinner one evening.
Drew, Dad & Daniel (both of my brothers with my Dad)
Drew – always the comedian! 🤣, myself, Susie, Mom, Daniel & Dad. Nice to have the time all together, even if it was a short time with all of us! ❤
Cousins! Lexa & Naomi at the Norman’s house, enjoying the pool (Drew & his family stayed there, so we spent some time together there)
Beautiful young ladies ❤
Lexa & I were able to go with Mom to their church one day to help pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Over 1000 boxes were packed in 2 days. We helped for 3 hours & did a lot! It was special to be able to be a part of it.
Helping pack Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
We enjoy games! 😊 We played Quirkle, Cribbage, Nertz (solitaire with multiple people), Seven Up Seven Down and Three for Thirteen. (At different times, with different people throughout the days we were there)
Enjoying/savoring a special, rare treat! ❤
Playing air hockey at the Norman’s
Hanging out at a park, watching one of the Norman boys playing football. Lexa, Sarah, Susie, Drew & I
Lindsay Norman, Lexa, Sarah, Susie, myself & Drew
Giving back rubs!

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