We normally try to get together around Thanksgiving or Christmas with my (Martha’s) side of the family. This year it worked for everyone to come mid-January.
Sadly at the last minute, my older brother & his family weren’t able to make it & my younger brother wasn’t able to make it this year either (it’s been a few years since we’ve all been together with everything going on).
But, we made the most of it & were so grateful for the time we DID have! My parents & sister all drove from TX to spend a few days with us & McKaylee came down from Wisconsin.
We did a lot of puzzles, played games, watched several Chosen episodes (so good! If you haven’t seen them, you’re missing out! So well done!) & enjoyed the time together as a family. ❤ I’m so grateful.
Sadly, we didn’t get many pictures! 😪 😊 The time was still important, regardless. ❤
Celebrating Keira’s birthday a couple weeks late since this is when we could make it work for McKaylee to come. Thank you, McKaylee! Keira looks forward to learning cross stitch!Aunt Susie & Ellenor – so grateful that Ellie didn’t take long to warm up to everyone! Since we’ve been doing regular Zoom Family Farkle times, she “sees” the family regularly, along with pictures, talking about & praying for them all. It does help!Aunt Susie, Ellie & OmaAunt Susie & Ellie….Susie was on the couch & Ellie brought a book & cuddled with her, right after Susie arrived. ❤ (a rare moment without her hat!! 🤣) (Ellie loves looking at big kid books! She’s very gentle with them.)Ellie cuddling with Oma during a game ❤ Opa is such a good sport! He’s great at playing with the kids & making them feel important too ❤ …. they did several large floor puzzles (there’s more behind Luc & Ellie) while we were working on 2 other puzzles – Emma pulled out a 300 piece puzzle (see below) & we did several 1000 piece puzzles. My favorites are the White Mountain “throwback” puzzles… like “Things I Ate As A Kid” & “I Had One Of Those! (think etch-a-sketch, Wooly Willy, etc…” Grant gave me several for birthday & Christmas. 😊 Opa & Oma helped Emma finish this puzzle she brought out (she also brought up the card table & set it up to have a workspace for it since we were working on a 1000 piece puzzle on the big table.) Lucas (not pictured) helped also.Aunt Susie, Ellie & I playing Go Fish (McKaylee in the background). Fun fact…these cards we’re playing with are 34 years old! I remember playing with them with some neighbor kids & our family in Quebec, Canada way back when! 💜 😀 Lizzy, Ellie, Aunt Susie & McKaylee eating lunch. Oma in the background working on a puzzle.