Sweet sister cuddlesDoing “snow angels” inside 🙂Lexa really enjoying a movie we were watching…sitting on the arm of the couch. 😊Spme pretty, interesting icicles right outside our kitchen door Emma fell in the garage & got a mild concussion that earned an ER visit & CT scan (in what they called a donut tube)I got to ride on the bed with her upstairs to get the CT scanEllie being silly sitting in the legs of a high stoolWe looked out the front window & saw 5 deer! We enjoyed looking at themCan you spot the 5 deer? I can only see 4…Here is a picture to show 4 of themI opened the front door to try to get a picture, but unfortunately then the puppy & the door caused the deer to fleeA pretty sunset on the way to work one nightEmma made this fun fruit salad as a special treatSilly Logan 😀The sun was in my eyes during Bible time, so Logan held an umbrella for me for a few minutes. 🥰💚Lizzy & her kitty ZarEllie enjoying Zar too.Ellie playing with her orange…”I have an orange on my thumb!”Ellie spent a good half hour or more playing with old school books (which she calls her “school” & writes in, she likes being like the bigger kids!) & these foam pieces, pretending to glue them. I love seeing her play independently like thisThen she gave herself a big hug. 🥰Lucas was crocheting during Bible time while holding Otter (our Mama cat) & wrapped his project around the cat. 😊Ellie came over to pet OtterA beautiful cardinal on our back deck ❤ Grateful for a daughter who spotted it & called me away from my busyness to come see & enjoy the beauty. Eowyn is getting so big! Lucas has a hard time picking her up!Emma & Ellie playing Sorry. I love seeing my kids play together so nicely. ❤Ellie did not like the fact that her gloves were covered in snow! Haha, poor girlI hosted an Usborne party for a friend & ended up getting a lot of free educational books & puzzles! So fun!