Guest Post – Making a Tiered Raised Garden Bed

Another guest post from my cousin’s daughter, Keirsten 😊 :
My mom has wanted a raised garden for a long time; that is all she would talk about. So, for Mother’s Day my dad and I built my mom a raised garden.
I learned a lot of new things while I was building this garden like, how to use a table saw and how to properly drill nails in.
The pictures below show the process of building the raised garden.
First I had to measure the wood at the exact measurements, because if one piece of wood is off, it would look lopsided.

I then had to use a table saw to cut the wood. Of course, there was adult supervision. It is pretty easy to use and really fun to do.

I then had to drill the boards together with some help from my dad. He is standing on the board so they are in place while I drill the nails in.

This is when I was drilling in the last board for the bottom row.

I then had to drill in the back piece of wood for the second row, which was complicated because I had to use my left hand for some parts.

Mom loved the end product of it and she was really happy with all the work that was put into this. She now is asking when the next one will be built. 😊 But this is a belated Happy Mothers Day to all of the Mothers out there!!
I am very impressed with what Keirsten could accomplish. I’m sure her mom was thrilled!
Yes! Megan told me how impressed she was & grateful! 🙂