Having People Over & Having A Large Family…Late Night Ramblings

We have been doing a monthly potluck… inviting a lot of families & not worrying about how many people accept & show up, knowing it doesn’t make a HUGE difference whether we have 20 or 60 – it’s not that big of a difference in the grand scheme of things (especially this time of year where parking isn’t an issue like in the winter & it’s beautiful weather, so people can be outside, etc…)

It reminded me of having a lot of kids. When we only had 1 & I was pregnant with our 2nd, a friend who had 4 young children offered to watch our oldest while I went to an appointment. I felt bad adding one more to her “handful”. She commented that adding one more didn’t make that big of a difference. I was dumbfounded by that at the time, being 22 and only having 1 child.

Fast forward many years and many more children, I completely understand it. At a certain point, adding more children into a family, or adding more people to a gathering, does not make a huge difference. Sure, there are minor details that change, but in essence, there’s still the same work to be done – cleaning, prep, etc. And having many kids means they play together & help entertain each other (usually).

We feel blessed indeed.

**P.S… if you haven’t joined us for a potluck, but would like to, please let me know! We’d love to have you join us! 😍😊**

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