Homemade Tomato Soup (Instant Pot)

Homemade Tomato Soup (Instant Pot)

I took a bag of frozen tomatoes (we had washed & cored fresh tomatoes & frozen them in a gallon ziploc bag in the summer.), threw them in the instant pot with 1 sweet onion cut in half, 4 garlic cloves (probably could use more garlic, but some in our family are sensitive to it), and one peeled carrot cut in half. I added about 2 Cups of chicken broth & started the IP for 20 minutes.

Once it was done, I used the immersion blender (you can use a regular blender instead) & pureed everything.

Then I added 1 Tbsp salt (to taste. Add slowly & you can always add more!), 1 Tbsp of sugar & 1 Tbsp of dried basil.

**Note: You can make this without an Instant Pot – just use a slow cooker on high for a few hours, or longer, won’t hurt it. Or in a pot on top of the stove.**

*Edited to add: It is yummy with some cream or milk, but since we are dairy free we left it out.*

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