IL State Fair 2023 Part 1
3 of the kids qualified for the 4-H State Fair this year. We drove down to Springfield the day before, had a fun swim in the pool & then ate at Cracker Barrel. We used to travel to WY/CO every summer to visit family & would often eat at Cracker Barrel, but we haven’t been in over 7 years, so this was a special memory. Friday was spent at the State Fair. We spent a lot of time at the Conservation World area (our favorite section of the State Fair). They got to fish (& each caught at least one), we watched a Lumberjack show, and a Whip Cracking Show. Everyone had a blast & we enjoyed our quick 2 day trip. 😀

Elizabeth practicing with the Whip Cracking Pt 1
Elizabeth practicing with the whip Pt 2
Elizabeth Cracking the Whip Pt 3