Since we were going to Springfield (about 3 hours away) for the Illinois State Fair, we decided to take a mini vacation & tour the State Capitol building. We have never been to Springfield or any Capitol building before.
That pretty much would sum it up! Everything in the Capitol building was just opulent & ornate.
Grant contacted our District’s House Representative & arranged for us to get a behind the scenes tour. It was very neat!!
Ellenor kept looking up…the ceiling was so ornate & there was so much to look at
Even the doors had so much detail!
The Capitol has an official photographer (actually more than one!) who took this picture for us
The Capitol has an official photographer (actually more than one!) who took this picture for us
The bathroom off the House Floor….WOW! Marble everywhere, stairs to a separate area, cloth-like embossed paper towelsEmbossed cloth-like paper towels in the bathroom on the House FloorThe Republican Sergeant of Arms gave us a behind the scenes tour & let us push buttons, etc. It was so neat to see & hear how everything worked! You can see in this picture how the screen has been switched to show the Speaker of the House (used specifically if there are arguments happening, to help keep things under control.
A view from where Speaker of the House sits/moderatesBeing amazed by the ceiling (see next pictures)The ceiling above the House FloorThe chandeliers. Once a year they bring in a crew to lower all the chandeliers at once, replace all of the bulbs, clean all of the crystal, Etc and it takes the huge crew that they bring in 8 hours to get it done.More ornate doors …
This is so interesting! I’ll bet it was fun trip!