Kitties, Kitties, We’ve Got Kitties! (Spring 2022 Part 1)

Our Mama cat Otter finally had her babies, 5 little kitties! 1 orange, 1 calico, 1 tortoise shell, 2 black. 🙂
Always a favorite time at our house. 😻
Each batch of kittens has a name “theme”. This batch – the names came from Chuck Black’s “Angel” series. Our kids each also get to “adopt” a kitten to be “theirs” until they go to their forever home (the youngest kids share with the oldest). Their names are: Validus, Piper, Persimus, Sydney Carlyle & Drew Carter.

(Photo credit to Xanna for many of the pictures)
So cute! What a patient mother cat!
She really is the best Mama cat! We have loved her the past 5 years & will be sad when she passes. For now, we enjoy & love on her as she allows. ❤ And are grateful when she shares her kitties 😸