March 2020 Family Pictures Part 2

March 2020 Family Pictures Part 2
The girls helping me grind wheat berries
Ellie loves her chips!
Just lounging on the floor eating a chip…lol
Ellie pointing to the prayer cards on the fridge…she said “Opa, Oma, Soo-ie. Nap, room, sleep, car.” So cute! When my parents & sister were visiting, they slept in the rooms downstairs & then left in their car. So she’s remembering them in that way. 🥰
Logan, Keira, Lucas & Emma made this “boat” for Ellenor & then pushed her around the house
Keira & Ellie cuddling with Otter
I don’t know why I’m all muddy?!? 🤷‍♀️
Looking at herself in the mirror
Ellie was so proud of herself because she caught Otter who was running through the house. The cats are very patient with her. 🙂
Lizzy asked Ellie to go get her a can of olives from the pantry. Ellie cheerfully went & came back with these tomatoes…😂 She is such a cheerful helper!
Ellie at the library (photo credit Xanna)
A beautiful cardinal
Lizzy making homemade pizzas
Having some fun while making pizzas…
The finished product! Yum-O! Lizzy made 8 pizzas this week for dinner (vs. the 6 she made last week)! She’s pretty awesome! 🙂
The creek after the rains, see all the silt?…photo credit Xanna
Down at the creek on our property (photo credit Xanna)
Down at the creek on our property (photo credit Xanna)
Down at the creek on our property (photo credit Xanna)
Down at the creek on our property (photo credit Xanna)
After a bath, I gave her lotion & told her to rub it on her hands…so she puts it on her head…Lol 🤦‍♀️
Some of the bunnies
One of the chickens roosting
Ellie enjoying the horse

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